7 Things To Do If You Have a Pest Problem at Home

pest exterminator

Pest infestation comes in a variety of severity. But as a general rule, earlier control and intervention is the key if you do not want pests to invade all areas of your home. We know that the presence of insects is common, but we need to take it seriously.

Insects multiply quickly. Before we know it, they have already taken over our property. Fortunately, there are simple things that you could try to keep all types of pests at bay. Here are some of them:

Seal Any Gaps

The simplest yet most important step in preventing pest infestation is to block the pests’ entryway. Installation of a screen with small mesh in your windows and doors can help a lot. If you’re not a fan of screen doors, you may just opt to close all windows and doors all the time. Moreover, inspect all areas of your home for any crevices, cracks, holes, and gaps and make sure to seal them all.

Fresh Herbs Can Help

Do you know that insects are sensitive to plants with strong and pungent smells? Luckily, we can use herbs and spices as natural repellents. Fill your yards with lemongrass, rosemary, sage, eucalyptus, lemon, mint, clove, and chestnut. The strong scent of these plants will deter the insects from roaming our yards and creeping into our houses.

Store Food and Leftovers Properly

It is important to take note that insects come to our houses because they search for food. Hence, we have to ensure that they do not have any more reason to come by.

Store all food properly. Stack all leftovers in the fridge or a secure and closed space. Immediately clean all crumbs and spilled foods. Most importantly, wash all the plates right away because the remaining food on our unwashed dishes will be a feast for them.

Trim Mulch and Plants

guy trimming plantsInsects love to reside in shady and dark spaces. What is a better hiding place than overgrown bushes, shrubs, and mulches? Plus, these overgrown plants are used by insects as a bridge to come to our houses.

Try to include trimming and chopping your plants into your monthly routine. Trust us, it will be worth it! Not only do you remove any possible dwelling places of insects, but you also make your yard look a lot nicer!

Use the Right Lights in the Proper Places

Most insects are attracted to lights. Wherever the light is, the insects will follow. Hence, make sure to install lights only in strategic places. Yes, we know, we are suckers for good lighting, too, but we need to prioritize things. Instead of installing lights on the exterior walls of your houses, place them farther away on pole lights instead.

Get Rid of Clutter

It will always ultimately come down to this — keep your house neat and tidy. Get rid of clutter because it can be an ideal place for insects to reside as they love dark and shady places. You can arrange all the items in your homes and store unused, minute items in tight-sealed boxes. Most importantly, make it a habit to vacuum all parts of the house, even those are that are seldom used. You eliminate not only dust and dirt but also pests and their minute eggs.

Professional Help When All Else Fails

Do remember that when all else fails, get help from a professional. Some of the measures we presented above only apply to less serious cases of infestation. But for mild to severe infestations, you will need professional treatment.

There are many businesses that offer residential property pest control services. London has proactive and professional teams that specialize in pest control and prevention. You may contact and consult with your local professional exterminator to know more about your options.

Remember that prevention is always the better approach. That said, it is best to conduct these countermeasures regularly to ensure that pests will not infest our homes.

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