The Responsible Groom: Helping Your COVID-19 Wedding Happen

man in a suit

A lot has happened ever since the pandemic first broke out. People lost their jobs in the lockdowns, while businesses closed down because of the lack of customers. Overall, the economy suffered, and life took on a different appearance during the pandemic.

There’s also the subject of couples getting married. As much as men want to give their brides the dream weddings they deserve, it’s simply not possible in some cases. Most wedding event places closed down as part of businesses being told by the government to observe health protocols. Some manage to push through with the date by celebrating a simple ceremony, which has become the COVID-19 wedding.

Not everyone’s lucky, though, but it’s not impossible to keep your date at the altar. Here are a few ideas on how you can celebrate this momentous occasion in your life and keep everyone—guests, priest, and the two of you included—safe.

Planning for a Wedding? Book that Venue

Early into 2021 and some dates are being marked off for various couples. COVID-19 is still around, but some couples are adamant about getting the best date and the best venue for their wedding. If you and your bride still want to keep your date at the altar, then you should tick off that date.

Celebrity wedding expert Colin Cowie says that this year will have twice as many weddings as usual as the vaccines are rolling in. From May to December, the booking game will be very hectic. Plan if you don’t want to share in the festivities of all venues becoming very busy.

That also goes for the wedding photographer, as well as the entertainment during your reception. You should plan to make the best date and cordon it off as soon as possible.

Make Sure There’s a Cancellation Clause

Even with the vaccines and every protocol being followed for COVID-19, the situation remains very volatile. There is a lot that could happen between now and your wedding date, and Cowie advises that you should make sure there’s a ‘cancellation clause’ on your wedding contract.

This cancellation clause states that the date is fluid; if it needs to be moved again, there will be no penalty. Any outstanding deposits will also be honoured as the dates are moved forward. It’s one way of saving your budget for other important things, such as the untoward incident when you might have to save up for when someone gets sick with COVID-19.

Las Vegas

Out-of-Country Wedding Destinations are Not Recommended

Paris and other European countries are popular destinations for weddings; so is Vegas. If you’re thinking about these places, though, it’s more advisable to hold the wedding somewhere more familiar—and local.

While in the past, it’s easy to hold weddings out of the country and all you’re going to worry about are budget constraints, it simply isn’t the case right now. The world is still in lockdown, and other places are still bearing the brunt of the pandemic.

Guests will also be less likely to travel elsewhere in the US, much less travel outside. It’s more economical to hold the ceremony somewhere more accessible, like your backyard or a local place.

Keep Your Checklist Organized

Just because the pandemic is in full swing, it doesn’t mean that you should forego trying to organize your wedding. Work with your bride and tick off things on your list that are already done. If you need to double-check, you should do it.

The pandemic doesn’t make things impossible; it makes them challenging. Rise to the challenge and learn to adjust to the situation. This also means you could choose to hold a simpler ceremony and save the grandiose celebrations to a day after the end of the pandemic.

Postpone the Date

If wedding organizers like Cowie are open to postponements for a later date, then you should consider moving your wedding date to another month or some months ahead if you think it’s not feasible. There’s a lot of stress to go around due to the pandemic; the stress of cancellation and trying to make the date is something you and your bride could do without.

There are 35% of couples who had postponed their dates to this year or even in 2022. It’s easier, and you could pick better venues possibly by then.

The COVID-19 situation surely makes things peculiar for a lot of people. There are a lot of things that you can do to make the date, but don’t force it; have fun with the preparations, and get your married life started on the right tone.

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