Beyond the Aesthetics: Ways to Protect Your Furniture from the Sun

Interior design apartment

The sun is the notorious culprit behind dull-looking, eyesore furniture. It’s also the reason why decorating a space isn’t just about getting the perfect pieces to complement this color, that texture, or this pattern—it’s also about maintaining your furniture well. If you want to enjoy your aesthetically pleasing interiors for a long, long time, keep the sun’s harsh rays from damaging your furniture.

Be smart with your window treatments

The best thing about preventing sun damage on furniture is that you can do it in style by adding window treatments. Use awnings. There are a lot of different colors and patterns that you can choose from to match your house’s style. If you want to have better light control on your interiors, choose solar shades or shutters. However, if you wish to keep the surfaces free from fabrics or whatnot, you can consider residential window tinting. Most of these materials block 99% of the sun’s rays, so it is a guarantee that your furniture is well protected. You also get to play with different patterns and find one that will match the theme of your interiors. Some homeowners go for frosted films, while others go for etched designs, creating a mural of some sorts on their windows. Try them out to know what will suit your home design best.

Switch up your room


If possible, keep furniture away from windows and doors, at places where the pieces are most likely to be hit by sunlight. This can be a little tricky since it can go against your interior design plans, but with a few tweaks here and there, you’ll find that sweet spot between aesthetics and furniture protection. For instance, if you thought of making windows with lovely views the focal point of your interiors, switch up the room with a new centerpiece, say, the fireplace or your bookshelves. You can reorient the furniture toward these elements to keep the upholstery from being directly adjacent to the windows. If you really cannot rearrange the room, then the best option is to rotate your furniture once in a while. Doing so prevents the problem of uneven-colored furniture, which is a real eyesore.

Consider protective covers

It seems like it does not make sense to invest in visually appealing furniture only to have it covered up. However, if it is an equally aesthetically pleasing cover, then why not? Lots of stylish covers out there can improve the look of your furniture and offer protection not just from the sun’s harsh rays but also from dust and spills. Of course, you can find these in your favorite furniture stores, but you can also look online. You can find lots of online shops that offer significant discounts for high-quality pieces.

In the end, it is not just the aesthetics that matter in your furniture pieces. The beauty of such elements will fade in the face of sun damage. Thus, keep your furniture sun-safe by taking note of the mentioned tips. If you feel unsure, seek the help of an interior designer.

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