Farm Maintenance: Advice for Newbies


Your crops might be producing well, and your animals might be healthy, but as any long-time farmer would know, these things can change if you’re not careful or knowledgeable enough. Farm maintenance is one of the essential parts of life out in the sticks, and you might be saving yourself from a lot of headaches if you follow these simple steps:

Establish a Routine

Farm life means a routine, to which you should stick as unfailingly as possible. Deviating from your routine for any reason might have expensive and long-lasting consequences. Here is an excellent plan to help you get started if you’re new to farming:

  • Saturdays and Wednesdays: Make sure your animals’ feeding troughs are washed. Scrub them clean, if necessary.
  • Saturdays: Clean your animals’ pens. This can go a long way in preventing disease and insect infestation. It also reduces foul odors. Disinfect the pens every two weeks.
  • Every 2 Weeks: Check your plants for any signs of disease, rot, or infestation. Remove weeds.
  • Every Month: Have your animals checked by a veterinarian.

That is an example of a good farm routine. You can establish your own according to your needs. Make sure to note everything down in a logbook so that you don’t miss anything.

Maintain Your Equipment

It’s easy to find farm machinery for sale in New Zealand, but it’s essential to take care of your equipment to reduce downtimes and expenses. Pieces of machinery often break down due to overworking and the absence of maintenance. To prevent breakdowns and early replacements, check your equipment regularly. You can nip any problem in the bud just by being vigilant. Small repairs and parts replacement cost a lot less than major repairs and total replacement. It helps to keep your equipment clean and stored in a safe area when not in use.

Check Your Fencing

A broken fence endangers your animals. It can also get you in trouble with the neighbors. Your crops and animals might also be exposed to wild animals that enter through the hole in your fence. To prevent these problems, walk your fence line often. Repair any damage as soon as you see it. Rotten posts should be replaced immediately. Check your gate latches and any loose posts, as well. Perform your checks more often if you have an electric fence to ensure the safety of your animals.

Farm equipment and trucks

Don’t Do This Alone

Experience can get you through a lot of issues on a farm, but even the most experienced farmers need a helping hand now and then. Form a good relationship with a veterinarian you can trust. Do the same with a plant specialist or at least another farmer with more experience than you. A farm machinery mechanic is also an essential part of your team. Asking for help or at least listening to advice can save you from a lot of problems down the road. Don’t risk losing your animals or your crops just because you refused to call somebody at the first sign of a severe problem.

Life on a farm can be an enjoyable, worthwhile kind of life. Learn everything you need to know. Follow the advice on this post to make sure that your farm is in good condition.

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