First Time Father’s Guide to Your Baby’s Development

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Being a father for the first time can be daunting, especially if you’re not quite sure what you have to do. No worries; here are guidelines that can help you guide your child’s development and growth. Essentially, these milestones will help you gauge the development of your child. If you think that your child is lagging on what they’re doing, you can always seek professional help.

So what should you expect in the first year of your baby’s development? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

The First Year of Development

As each day passes, your baby will start developing better motor skills and cognitive development. This is one of the reasons why most parents have to keep track of each monthly milestone for the first year of development of their child. Usually, milestones are divided into one month each.

Milestones will usually vary depending on the age range and the movement that your child does. This includes crawling, smiling, rolling, walking, and talking. Others would also use developmental achievements as milestones, such as being able to behave, play, and speak. It’s important to note that many of these milestones should serve as guides or as a “checklist” in order to know more about your baby.

Still, it’s crucial to keep in mind that each baby’s milestone will vary, and you shouldn’t worry too much about it. As long as your baby is falling within the yearly set of milestones, you don’t have to worry or panic. You might want to get monthly check-ups with the pediatrician to help monitor your baby’s health during their first milestone year. If there are any queries or concerns, you will need to ask your baby’s pediatrician. Several studies have shown that when a parent intervenes, if there is any delay in the developmental process, then there is a better outcome of results.

So, what should parents look for out for each month? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Developmental Timeline

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There are a variety of factors and things that a first-time father will need to look out for in your child’s first year. Since the first year of development is integral in the growth process, here’s what you’ll need to know:

  1. Newborn stage – Newborns can only communicate what they’ll need through crying. Whether they are hungry, not feeling well, excreting waste, or thirsty, crying is the only way that they can communicate.
  2. 1st month – The baby will be able to see at a close distance while identifying black, white, and red colors. He/she won’t be able to track objects with their eyesight yet. It’s important to note that babies that are only a few months old are especially vulnerable to changes in temperature. You might want to consider getting your baby a high-quality cashmere snood or a blanket as a means of comforting them and retaining their body heat. It’s also at this time that you’ll see the startle reflex.
  3. 2nd month – For the first two months, your child’s sense of hearing would have fully developed. They will be able to respond to noises that they deem as familiar while also being able to smell.
  4. 3 – 5th month – The baby will now be able to hold their head on their own. However, their neck structure is still weak, so it’s important to be mindful of how they are sitting. They will now be able to move their head in the direction of the sound. The baby at this age will now be able to communicate through laughing and squealing. The baby will now be able to crawl and roll over on their 5th month.
  5. 6th month – 1 year – The child will now be able to chew food on their 6th month. On their 7th month, they’ll be able to recognize different tastes and noises. In their 8th month, they will be able to say words like “dada” and “mama” as well as understand words like “yes” and “no.” In the 11th month, your baby will be able to walk and move independently, especially when they reach one year of age.

It’s crucial to note that each baby is different, and they will have their own pace when it comes to development. These milestones will serve as a guide to the development of your baby in a certain timeframe. Ultimately, you don’t really have to worry about your child’s development. Still, don’t forget to remember the precious first moments of your child’s development by recording everything in a book.

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