Gearing Up for an Overseas Move: Questions You Should Ask

Couple looking at laptop while surrounded by boxes

Moving to an entirely different country is a whole new level of challenges. From applying for work visas and learning an entirely different language, overseas relocation comes with a set of tasks on top of the usual moving to-do lists.

One of them is figuring out how to move major items and other belongings to a new country. With the right amount of planning and by working with reliable international moving companies based here in Melbourne, you can make moving household items overseas a lot less complicated.

Here are some of the questions you should ask:

How will you get your car shipped to your new address?

If you’re thinking about bringing your car with you when you move overseas, start by making sure you’re actually allowed to drive in your destination country. Every country has specific licensing guidelines and requirements, especially for foreigners.

So, before going through the trouble, make sure you can meet all the requirements first. Cars are usually transported either though sea of air freight. To make the transport as smooth as possible, see if there are international auto transport companies you can work with that specialises in shipping huge items such as vehicles.

How are you going to take your pet with you?

Moving with your pets locally already involves a lot of planning, but this becomes even more complicated if you’re moving internationally. Start by doing a thorough research of your destination country’s pet import laws.

In most cases, your pets will be required to undergo certain vaccinations before they can be given an entry permit into a different country. Once you’ve handled all the necessary pet import requirements, the next thing you need to plan is how exactly you’re going to move your pet.

Again, research airport requirements when it comes to travelling with pets. Also, see if you can hire pet relocation services.

Should you take all your furniture and household items with you or buy new ones instead?

Young couple moving in a new apartment

Before spending thousands of dollars getting all your belonging shipped overseas, see if it is actually more cost-effective to buy new ones instead. In fact, you can even purchase second-hand items if you do not want to go beyond your budget. Some even allow renting furnished homes as well.

If your move is only temporary, this is an option you should definitely consider if you want to lessen your expenses. But, if the move is long-term, then it may be better to get some of your belonging sent overseas.

While you do not necessarily have to get everything shipped, make sure you bring the major items, since these are usually the most expensive to purchase if you want brand new ones. Check your budget, needs, and rental options to see which one works best for you.

Finally, see if you are actually going to need to rent a self-storage unit. These are safe and secure storage facilities you can rent if you need temporary or long-term storage for your belongings while you are in the middle of your move. The most appropriate options may be climate-controlled ones.

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