Guide to Earthquake-Proofing Your Home

crack on home's wall

No matter how advanced our technology is right now, predicting an earthquake is still something that we cannot do. That does not mean, however, that we cannot be prepared for it, and one of the areas that we need to prepare is our own home.Here’s how you can do just that:

Do Some Advance Thinking

Being ready for an earthquake would mean making sure you are familiar with how prone your area is to an earthquake. For example, if you are residing in California, particularly along the coastal regions of Orange County, you have a high risk of experiencing an earthquake compared to those residing inland. Check which parts of your home are sturdy and which ones would need some repairs and reinforcement.

If you would need to do some repairs, go for materials that you know are sturdy enough to withstand an earthquake. Need a 2mm stainless steel sheet for your kitchen countertop? Choose a dependable brand instead of risking it with generic ones.

If you are using a gas oven, make sure that it is connected using a flexible connector. This will help prevent a gas leak in case of a major quake. A rigid connector has the tendency to give in if enough pressure is applied to it. This can lead to a gas leak which, in turn, can cause a fire.

It is also a good idea to have your home’s foundation checked. Watch out for telltale cracks in the wall as this could mean that your foundation is shifting. Check the condition of the beams and posts and see if they are not getting bent out of shape or bowing out. A structural engineer would be able to help you determine the risks being faced by your foundation. If you have crawl spaces underneath the foundation, you will also need to have those reinforced to keep the house from caving in.

Establish a Safe Spot

Identify a place where all of your family members can head to should there be a major earthquake. This should be an open space where there is no risk of poles and building walls crashing down. At the same time, get your kids to understand the importance of covering, ducking, and holding. They must understand that going outside during an earthquake is not always the best thing to do and that the space under a strong table might be a better option. If there is no table in sight, door frames and sturdy walls could be another option.

Have an Emergency Pack

First Aid Kit A red first aid kit bag with a black zip and handle, in closeup.

In case a major earthquake hits, there is a likelihood that water and electricity would be cut off. That said, you need to make sure you have an emergency kit with you that contains food items, medicines, flashlights, and anything else that would help you and your family survive for a few days. Each of your family members should have their own pack so that, in case you get separated, they will still have something that would sustain them.

Being ready for any calamity is important to survive. Follow these tips so that you can withstand the wrath of nature or the effects of natural disasters.

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