Home-based Business Ideas for Men This 2021


Traditionally, it is women who stay at home while the men work and bring home the money they need for the household. But times have changed. This is no longer the norm for many families. Some guys do stay at home full-time or work from there because his wife can earn more by working in the office. This switch in tasks has become more apparent during the pandemic when everyone is trying to survive. If your wife is the one who has the better chance to earn, then why would you get in her way?

Thankfully, you can find a lot of things to earn from home. You do not have to twiddle your thumbs and watch football all-day-long. You can start a home-based business so you can help the family get by during these uncertain times.

Barbers Shop

You can convert your garage into a barbers shop. Make sure you have the necessary permit to do it. As long as your neighbors won’t mind, you’ll find that this business is quite lucrative. Men need to get their hair trimmed especially during the lockdown. You can also offer additional services such as removal of facial hair and back massage.

Meat Dealer

Do you know your meat? Can you find a good supplier? People will be quarantining and isolating in their homes for the foreseeable future until the world battles this virus to the ground. This means that many of them cannot even visit the market to buy their meats. Offer delivery services of different types of meat, poultry, and seafood. All you need is a cold storage room to start this business.

red meat

Specialty Store

What are your hobbies? Are you into collecting vinyl records? Maybe you can start selling some of those online. You can even start a swap/exchange website where users can exchange their vinyl records. You can earn from the successful transactions on your website, or simply use the site to attract advertisers.

Physical Therapy Business

People are stressed, worried, and anxious right now. Do you know that physical therapy does wonders for people who are suffering from chronic stress? Again, you can convert a part of your garage or basement into a therapy area. That’s how you can start a physical therapy business. That is, of course, if you are trained to do the job. You need a license to work as a physical therapist, so it’s best to use that as a jump-off point for your business. Once potential clients realize that you’re a legitimate professional therapist, they’ll come knocking on your door.


If you have a large enough backyard, you can start a minibar. Just make sure you have to permit to serve alcohol. Also, it would be nice if you won’t serve hard liquor and simply go for beer and cocktails. You don’t want guests being too drunk to go home or worse, vomiting in your backyard. There are still strict COVID-19-related protocols for bars and restaurants. Make sure to adhere to these.

Clearing Out Services

Men are fitter to work in cleaning and clearing out companies. It used to be that women work as professional cleaners, but this job is easier for men and their innate strength. Clearing out services means you’ll have to haul large furniture and appliances when the homeowners decide to move. Your task is to make sure the house is clean for the next homeowners.

Tutorial Services

You can operate a tutorial school in the comforts of your own living room. Since you’re tutoring your kids for their online classes, you can also ask your neighbors’ kids to join in. You might as well earn from the humongous effort it takes to teach your kids their ABC and 123. Again, you have to follow safety protocols so tutoring the kids outdoors (the open air will reduce chances of virus transmission) might be a better solution to this predicament.

Garage Sale

Collect items from around your house that you do not need anymore. There’s money in what you see as trash. Organize a garage sale every weekend. You’ll be surprised what value some of these things mean for other people. An old pair of rubber shoes can even get you a sweet $10 if you pushed for it. An old microwave oven might also be good for $5.

Men are almost always embarrassed about the need to look for a job, or for losing one amid a pandemic. The important thing is for you and your partner to have an understanding of your roles. You need to respect each other regardless of the money you bring at home. Furthermore, there are a lot of opportunities for those who stay at home. Thanks to the internet, your home can be a money-making battleground.

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