How Gardening Can Improve the Lifestyle You Have Now

guy trimming plants

Everything is uncertain under the world’s current state. But as the battle against coronavirus continues, people are becoming more resourceful and prolific in handling this fearsome situation. They are finding ways to remain productive while staying at home, discovering skills they haven’t realized were in them before the pandemic.

Many are hanging out a lot in their kitchens for the first time, sharing their creations on social media. Others are using their untouched makeup and learning to become their own makeup artist. Then, some are sprucing up their living spaces through window treatments and rearranging furniture. But the home activity that leads to more excellent health and economic benefits is gardening.

Gardening increases health stability

Gardening is often a neglected home activity. Its enjoyment is usually reserved for older adults in their retirement years. Children might find it dull because it is too slow and quiet, which they can find uninteresting. The same is true with younger adults, opting to watch action-oriented tv shows and movies on Netflix or engage in high-energy activities like sports.

But it’s only in this pandemic when people are finding they have a lot of time on their hands, something they are unaccustomed to in the past years. There is also a lot of information coming and going that they feel more overwhelmed than usual. That is why they turn to gardening, appreciating its positive effects on their mind and body.

woman gardening

Gardening has helped them change their perspective because the slowness and quietness of the activity are factors that stimulate calmness. Gardening is all about observation, as Cheney Creamer of the Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association emphasized. Individuals can learn about themselves in the process of observation because, like human life, plants need to be given attention and care. How individuals treat plants is a reflection of how they approach themselves. The growth and change individuals see in their gardens are what they can relate to.

Gardening can also be a shared experience, something that doesn’t have to be done alone. Smelling or touching fruits and vegetables can boost dopamine levels, which is further enhanced when there are other people around the person. It makes the work more enjoyable and endurable. Family members can also use the opportunity to communicate more and reconnect with each other through gardening.

Gardening leads to food sustainability

Gardening has economic benefits since plants can reap fruits and vegetables. This time of Corona allows families to realize that they don’t need to dine out as much to celebrate special occasions. As a result, they are making more frugal and making pragmatic decisions.

Homemade food — from gardening to cooking — further helps families eat healthier. This shift of mindset can be owed to the multidisciplinary field of home economics as it teaches individuals, especially the young, on how to enhance the quality of life. More than ever, this field needs to be valued more in one’s education because it capacitates anyone to take care of themselves and to be financially literate.

Given the number of health and economic benefits, families should dedicate more of their time to gardening. It’s not a new activity, but it leaves a lasting impact. It instills a sense of hope amidst all the chaos.

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