How to Keep Your Home Water-resistant

home renovation

The monsoon season may be over, but your home still isn’t in the clear when it comes to possible water damage. Winter is just around the corner. If your home isn’t prepared for it, you’ll end up with a variety of problems, like:

  • Leaks

When snow melts and reaches the connection points on your roof, the water could leak onto the ceiling, and eventually, inside your home. The water, when it leaks into your walls and sockets, could cause your electrical wiring and electronics to malfunction or outright break down.

  • Mold

This is directly caused by the moisture from leaks. Mold can deteriorate the paint and structure of your ceiling and walls. They could also cause health issues if their spores get inhaled by people allergic to mold.

  • Moss

Concrete is one of the most resilient materials for outdoor flooring. Its major weakness is moisture. When it rains or snows, the water may cause fungus and algae to grow rapidly, leading to moss. This deteriorates the concrete and creates a slippery surface that’s definitely dangerous for anyone who walks on it.

With all the problems that rainfall and snow can create for your home, it’s important to make your property as resistant to it as possible. Here are effective ways to do it.

Get Insurance That Covers Water Damage

If you live in an area with intense rainy days, winter seasons, or flooding, it’s best to get an insurance policy covering water damage. Standard policies often cover rainfall and ice dams. However, water that comes from the ground up, like an overflowing dam or river, may need a separate insurance policy. Talk with your agent about applying for one.

home maintenance concept

Ensure Proper Drainage

Improper drainage can make even slight rainfall a headache because it can create standing water. Standing water is the puddle that forms around your home when it has nowhere to go. It’s filled with disease-causing bacteria and even fungi, which may cause a mold to grow on your grass. It can also seep into your basement and foundation through cracks on the exterior walls of your home.

You can get a landscaping expert to slope your soil so that it causes water to drain away from your property. You could also get a landscape drainage system installed to ensure you eliminate any stagnant water near your home.

Reseal Your Openings

Even though the weatherstripping attached to your doors, windows, and basements are made to last, constant wear can cause them to deteriorate. If you’re seeing water seep through them, it’s time to get their weatherstripping replaced. You can do this yourself, but it’s always best to get help from a professional to ensure it’s installed correctly.

Check your roof’s flashing as well to see if they’re damaged. Flashing covers the gaps and openings that occur when two pieces of roofing material meet. If your flashings are damaged or simply rusty, get them replaced immediately. You don’t want them to fail once winter starts.

Water and moisture can create a variety of issues for your home. This winter season, make sure your home is prepared for the onslaught of melted snow on your rooftop and landscape. Use these suggestions to prevent standing water and rainfall from damaging your home.

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