Keep it Clean: 8 Things a Homemaker Should Remember

Woman cleaning the counter in the kitchen

Are you a homemaker? Being one includes a lot of responsibilities. You oversee what goes on inside the house. If there’s an occasion, you’re in charge of the preparations. When there’s something that needs repair or replacement, you look for professionals to do the job or you handle it by yourself (when doable). You are also baby-proofing and senior-proofing each corner of the house. In short, you do everything to manage the household. To help you better, here are some things homemakers are likely to encounter daily plus how to address them.


  • Maintaining the entire house won’t be easy. There are different areas that need to be taken care of. The central heat and air, for instance, should be well maintained to promote indoor comfort. This includes checking for signs of damage, cleaning, and hiring servicemen for checking.
  • Doors and windows should be in good condition because the heat or air can escape, which can increase energy use and utility bills. Likewise, the doors and windows act as a shield against bad weather conditions. Buying an overhead concealed door closer, for instance, allows you to use your doors better.
  • Check for drips on your faucets and leaks on the pipes under your sink. The walls and ceiling can also be susceptible for leaks so you must examine those from time-to-time. Aside from that, you should also check the chimney. Clean it even if you don’t use it all the time.
  • Your home needs to have carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms to increase its overall safety. Install these as soon as possible and check them regularly (if you have already installed them) to make sure they’re working.
  • Mold can result in several health problems for everyone in the household. Always check for moisture because this is the number one cause of mold. Aside from that, avoid moisture because it attracts insects and rodents. Use exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen to lessen the humidity in your home.
  • You shouldn’t neglect the air filtration system of your home. It should be checked often to see if there’s damage or it’s functioning properly. Inspect the air filters if it’s not clogged or filled with dust. Dust it off and make sure you clean them thoroughly to clean out the air. You can wash or brush the air filters to clean them.
  • Dust is a serious cause of allergies and other respiratory problems. Clean surfaces like tables, sofas, cabinets, and displays to prevent the build-up of dust. Use a damp cloth on applicable surfaces because dust will stick to it quickly.
  • Lastly, vacuum the flooring, including the carpets and area rugs. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter for better cleaning. Also, don’t hesitate to call experts if you want to clean your floors. They can help remove pet dander, dirt, fur, and other particles that are concentrated on carpets.

High Angle View Of Electric Vacuum Cleaner Over Carpet With Foam

Being an expert homemaker allows you to make your home a safe, clean, well-protected, and loving place to be in. Keep your family happy by making sure that they live in a house that’s neat and properly-maintained. Your family will thank you for it and in turn, will make you a happy homemaker too.

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