Lessen Your Stress When Travelling with Kids in Five Ways

travelling family with kids

Let’s face it. Sometimes, we would rather stay at home than travel with small kids in tow. Since travelling can be fun yet exhausting enough, knowing that you are to take your small child with you makes it even more challenging. With all the things you need to bring and take care of, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.

The good news is that some tricks can help you make the trip less stressful. With a little bit of imagination, research, and patience, you can finally enjoy your family vacation.

Choose an early morning flight

When travelling with kids, a flight with an early morning departure is the best. Tickets are usually cheaper, and airports are usually less crowded. Since it’s still too early for play, your kid will want to spend the rest of the flight resting and sleeping. You can also avoid delays by choosing an early morning flight.

Book for a family accommodation

You have the option to choose between a hotel, a house rental, or an apartment. Weigh in the advantages and disadvantages of each before making a decision. Hotels have pools, room service, and meals. Some even have babysitting services but tend to be more expensive with minimal space. Apartments and rental homes can be a more cost-effective choice, giving you more space to work on but limited amenities to enjoy.

Keep your kid engaged (no matter their age)

You may be running out of ideas on how to keep your child busy on a long flight. Aside from letting them play online and iPad games and watch movies, there are other activities to keep them occupied. You can bring along magnetic travel games and card games to play. Bring along their favourite colouring and writing materials so that they can write, draw, and colour. You can also bring books, miniatures of their favourite toys, new toys, and even their favourite snacks.

Instead of taking public transport, choose a car rental

It is true that you can save money by taking public transport. You get around the city and enjoy the different views. But when you’re with your little kid, you will find it hard to go from one point to another by taking multiple rides. By taking advantage of a private car rental, you’ll have the freedom to explore, take your time, and avoid delays. Your kid will be seated comfortably, and you can bring everything you need in the car. You won’t disturb other passengers if your child throws a tantrum.

Don’t forget to bring a light stroller

mom with a stroller crosses the road

When travelling, it’s best to keep your baggage light. It can be hard to choose between a baby carriage and a stroller. But one of your best options is a lightweight stroller. This works best on all kinds of terrain and keeps you from having to carry your child all day. It can keep your little one safe and secure while they are feeding or taking short naps. Choose one with adjustable seats, a large canopy, washable covers, and a carrying strap or case.

Travelling with your little one does not have to be as stressful as you might think. Being prepared and anticipating your child’s behaviour are ways to minimize your stress. Make sure to pack their essentials lightly, including a light stroller, their favourite snack, and things that will keep them busy. Choose which accommodation will best suit your needs and book an early flight. Consider a car rental instead so that you’ll have more time and space to enjoy your trip.

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