Safety First: Fire Prevention in the Workplace

Emergency fire hose

A fire incident, wherever it may occur, is one of the most devastating events that can happen. The impact and danger grow even more when a fire starts in crowded places like a workplace. It can result in a lot of severe injuries or worse, a number of deaths, not to mention the extensive property damage.

With all these being said, fire safety and prevention is important. Thus, you must familiarise yourself along with your colleagues about your company’s fire safety and prevention procedures. In this guide, we’re going to discuss and explore some common and vital fire safety and prevention measures in most workplaces.

Identify Areas Prone to Fire Outbreaks

Fire risks differ from industry to industry. However, it does not matter what field you work in since having your workplace inspected by professionals can make a big difference in terms of safety.

To start off, you may create a list of areas you want a fire assessment professional to examine in your work environment. This should include the most prone or susceptible areas, such as spaces with electrical wiring systems, radiators, chemical storage, and older machinery or equipment. Remember, something as small and simple as a loose electrical wire or a piece of equipment that overheats can spark a flame, so be cautious of your surroundings.

In addition, you may also have a ventilation fire risk assessment to ensure that your workplace has a proper ventilation system in order to prevent further fatalities when a fire breaks out.

Reduce, Avoid and Clear Clutter

Fire is one of the most destructible elements. It can burn almost everything, especially light and flammable materials. Thus, office supplies are more vulnerable and can be contributing factors to further destruction.

Scattered paper materials and trash that commonly make a mess around the workplace are among the culprits that increase the intensity and duration of a fire. Worse, clutter can make escaping a room filled with smoke even more difficult since it gets in the way of mobility. Therefore, a clean office is a safer and more protected office when it comes to fires.

Learn How to Properly Use Safety Equipment

Fire alarm

If a fire breaks out, it’s vital that you and your team knows how to respond and act. Having fire extinguishers in your workplace is useless if you and the rest of the employees do not know how to use them. The easiest way or a hack to remember in utilising this equipment is the so-called “PASS” method:

  • Pull the pin of the extinguisher,

  • Aim the nozzle of the extinguisher at the fire’s base,

  • Squeeze the handle firmly, and

  • Sweep the control valve from side to side.

The extinguishing chemical is limited, so spray on the most dangerous part of the flame, or focus on the nearest exit point. If breathing was made impossible, and the fire is beyond control, it’s better to think of escaping than to play hero and try to put out the flame.

It’s not simple to influence and change the attitudes of employees when it comes to fire safety. Therefore, it’s highly indispensable for heads of teams and departments to make big efforts in trying to instil a word of caution and communicate a concrete mitigation plan to their members in case of a disaster.

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