Choosing the Right Kind of Home Extension for Your House


When thinking about extending our homes, whether temporarily or permanently, it always causes some kind of panic and stress. A home construction? Isn’t that expensive? Yes and no. It can be expensive, but it can be affordable, too. It matters what kind of home extension you want and how you will use it.

There are many types of home extension projects that you can take on: orangeries, garages, garden sheds, glasshouses, and granny flats. The only thing you need to think of is how much it will cost, if you need permits to construct them, and for what purpose will they be built. Once you have a clear plan in your head, you can call your contractor so that they can properly advise you on the benefits and disadvantages of these types of home extensions.


If you have one or two cars that will fit right outside your garage, you can use the garage not to keep your garden and car tools but as an extra bedroom of some sort. This is the cheapest way to extend another room for your house. You won’t need to construct anything from scratch.

All you have to do is to rework and redesign the garage’s interior, and make sure that the ceiling is safe to hold dainty drop lights. You can repaint the walls, add some collapsible divisions (to make extra rooms), and invest in cute and dainty furniture that will suit the personality of the people who’s going to use the space. It can also be converted into a man cave since garages are mostly industrial in their aesthetics. Your husband will love the idea of getting his own room away from the main house.


An orangery was popular in the 17th to 19th century as a way to protect orange and lime trees from winter. These are removable home extensions that can be found either in front or at the back of the house. They have slanted roofs with glass that opens up to let the sunlight in. These are mostly used as conservatories, where exotic plants and fruit-bearing trees are placed when the season changes.

Today, you can use an orangery like any other extension of your home. It is best used as an additional living room, kitchen, or library because it is usually placed in the part of the property that faces the garden and the sun. Its sunroof makes up for the perfect feature for an open-space kitchen.

Granny Flat

Granny flats are popular in Australia. They are not connected to the main house. Instead, they are separate house-like structures that sit in the backyard or the garden. The point of having a granny house is for whoever resides there to have some privacy. There are granny flat kits available in a local home store or hardware. It takes so little skills to build a granny flat, though you may need zoning permission to construct one. Granny flats are great because they don’t have to look similar to the main house. They can be different and unique and have their own personalities.

While there are many options for a home extension project, it’s still ultimately your decision in the end. Weigh the pros and cons smartly. Make sure that you can afford it, that it answers your desire for extra space in the house, and that you comply with the rules and regulations of the neighbourhood.

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