A Gentleman’s Guide to a Good First Impression in an Interview

two people shaking hands

Finding a new job can sometimes be exciting: you’ll have a variety of different opportunities to learn, meet new friends and colleagues, and most importantly, get paid for the work that you do. But sometimes, finding a new job can also be nerve-wracking, especially for those that don’t have a sharp tongue but have to go through interviews.

Contrary to what most people think, interviews are more than just a formality: it’s always a way for the company to know who you are. Basically, a job interview is a sales pitch, and you’re selling yourself as an asset to the company. If this is the case, you want to make a good first impression since this will determine your capabilities and performance when you’re on the job.

But although you’ve probably rehearsed what you’re about to say to the interviewer and all the answers to potential questions, you can’t seem to shake off that feeling of nervousness and anxiety. What if the recruiter throws in a trick question? Will I have the proper body language? These are just some of the what-ifs that go through the heads of applicants that might be nervous.

Let’s face it: nobody wants to choke on the day of their interview. While being anxious and nervous is quite normal for this situation, it’s best to remain calm and stay confident.

So how do you ace that interview that you’ve been preparing weeks for? What are some key ways of making a good first impression on the recruiter? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Think of What You’re Applying For

First and foremost, it’s important to know what you’re currently applying for. Does the job description match the skills that you have? Although this might seem like common knowledge, most individuals will take any job that they can get during times of financial instability. This is even more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic when companies will need to lay off workers to cut down on monthly expenses, often leading to recently furloughed workers looking for other types of work.

Most recruiters have strict parameters to follow, which include the applicant’s educational background, work history, and credentials based on qualifications. If you don’t meet the credentials expected from the recruiter, then there’s a good chance that you might not pass the screening process. Thus, it’s important to look at the job requirements first before committing to the screening process.


If you’re looking for a fresh new start in a different industry, you might want to consider looking for jobs that are ripe with opportunities, knowledge, and growth. Fortunately, some council jobs can promise growth and stability in the public sector while having one of the most professional and considerate recruitment teams out there.

Keep It Simple and Fresh

Body language is another key factor that you’ll need to be cognizant of. Certain researchers and educators who are well-versed in public conveyance say that body language will usually encompass around 55% of getting the point through.

When answering questions, you have to keep it simple but with a bit of wit. Injecting a bit of humor and experience into your conversation with the interviewer can keep things light-hearted while staying on their good side. In almost any type of work environment, building a professional rapport with colleagues is the first step towards being an asset to any business.

You don’t want to overdress when you’re about to have your interview. As much as you want to let the other party know that you’re interested in applying for the position, overdressing and being too “formal” will usually give the wrong impression of you. During the interview process, you want to be as transparent as possible with the other individual, which means that you’ll have to show them your personality and how you dress without trying to “overdress.”

There are different ways of acing that interview and increasing the likelihood of getting in the company. Although you might be confident in an interview, it’s still important to take a “no” humbly. You must remember that interviews are used to “test the water” in terms of your skills and abilities. If your skills don’t match, then you’re dodging future complications and problems that might arise once you’re hired.

After all, going on an interview is just like dating: sometimes it won’t work out, and sometimes it will. Nevertheless, there’s plenty of fish in the ocean, and you’ll definitely get that “You’re hired!” that you’ve been waiting for. You just have to make sure that you make a good first impression.

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