As a Driver and Pedestrian: How to Keep Safe on the Road for Elders

Smiling driver

Everyone needs to keep safe on the road, and that won’t be much of a problem if you’re fit and able. But, what about the elders who are more prone to accidents? They’re the ones who should keep an eye on the road more. This is why we should do our best in supporting them. For instance, we can remind elders that whenever they see traffic safety flags or any other warning sign, they should stay away. Here are some other ways for elders to be safe on the road:

Keeping Safe While Driving

Elders should get a good amount of sleep. They should not drive when they feel fatigued or when they’re sleepy. They shouldn’t consume alcohol and drive or consume alcohol while under certain medications, especially those that make them sleepy and impair their alertness. For elders who drive with family members, it’s better to check with a doctor if they’re allowed to be behind wheels.

Like any other driver, the elderly must keep their distance between the vehicle in front of them and the one they’re driving. A two-second gap for braking is important to make sure that a collision won’t happen. On the other hand, a four-second gap must be done when the road is wet or when driving at night. During the daytime, running lights must be used to let elders see clearly.

Another thing to do is a head check. This is done by turning the head for vehicles from the blind spot. This is helpful when changing lanes and merging. It’s easier to turn from the waist when doing this task. Tell the elderly not to feel pressured when someone is honking. No matter how much the other driver is honking, they should drive at normal speed. They should just let other vehicles pass.

Walking Precautions for Elders

Aerial view of pedestriansLike driving, elders should be careful when crossing the street or walking on lanes. Remind them to always look at the traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, overpasses, and underpasses whenever possible. Tell them not to cross near areas that are possible blind spots.

Keep note that it’s still possible to walk on the side of the road even when there’s no sidewalk. Tell them that they must face the traffic, though. It is okay to walk on the side of the road when trying to walk for health reasons, but they have to be completely sure that it is safe. When there’s confusion between the pedestrian and drivers, remind your elders to wave and let drivers know that someone is crossing the road.

If the elderly have hearing difficulties, then they should wait for other pedestrians. When walking, remind them to walk in a single file. This is important because there are instances when the driver isn’t able to see everyone. As a result, accidents may happen. They should be visible to all drivers when walking.

There are many things to remember when on the road. It doesn’t matter if someone is walking or driving. To be safe, follow the rules.

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