Post-pandemic Blues: Are You Ready for a Backyard Barbecue Party Again?

barbecue party

Don’t we miss being with each other? Humans are social creatures. We crave connections. We love to socialize. It is part and parcel of who we are. Our friends, families, acquaintances, and workmates make up the fabric of our beings. We are characterized by the people who surround us. There has never been a more difficult time in humanity than the last year when we’re losing loved ones to the coronavirus and yet, we cannot give comfort by hugging or simply being there. Our humanity is still being tested.

As economies reopen and governments slowly lead the transition to the new but better normal, people are starting to rebuild bridges and reconnect. One of the things everyone missed last year was the backyard barbecue party in the summer. If you’re one to organize and host these things, you might be thinking about the practicality of doing it this coming summer. Yes, it is now possible to have small intimate gatherings in your home. That’s provided, of course, that you focus on observing safety protocols.

Hold It Outdoors

Don’t take the party indoors. Or if you have to, throw the doors wide open to let the air circulate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that ventilation is one of the most important factors to consider when holding a gathering. Poor indoor air quality will let the virus travel around and infect people. An outdoor setting is the most viable setup for an event. That was why al fresco dining was the first to receive a go-signal. Indoor dining remains questionable in many cases.

This is a good reason for you to look for an awning company near you. It’s time to put a large and beautiful awning in your backyard. This, at least, will provide coverage during the hot summer afternoons when the sun is too high. You can even close it off with a screen to fend off mosquitoes and other insects.

Avoid Large Gatherings

Although the government now allows gatherings, this does not mean you should do so without caution. As a rule of thumb, keep your gatherings small. Maybe invite only 10 people to gather in your house. That makes it easy to observe social distancing measures and ensure that everyone is wearing a face mask. Avoid large gatherings as much as possible. This has no place amid a public health crisis such as a pandemic.

The more people share the same space, the more likely it is that they will spread the virus to each other. The transmission of the virus happens because there are too many hosts gathered together in one area. Though your backyard barbecue will not be as fun as before because you can only invite a small number of people, it will be intimate and more meaningful.

tray of grilled food

Consider the Level of Risk

Who are you going to invite to your barbecue party? If someone has symptoms, regardless is he has tested negative to a swab test, should he be invited? As a general rule, try to avoid inviting people who have something that they can pass around. Cough and cold weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to the virus. Even with masks, there’s a huge chance that people suffering from flu can transmit it to others. In a few days, what’s essentially was a simple flu can become a full-blown virus if your immune system becomes too weak to fight it off.

Promote Healthy Behavior

What is healthy behavior in a gathering amid a pandemic? Wearing masks and practicing social distancing are two. Not talking while getting food from the buffet table is another. This will prevent the transmission of the virus through the food. You can also consider packing the food in containers, so there will be less sharing of space when people get food from the table. As much as possible, put six feet of distance between chairs and tables. That’s enough not to encourage people to shout during conversations while maintaining a safe distance from each other.

Be prepared for criticisms of the way you want to hold your barbecue party. Accept the fact that not many of your guests will be happy with the strict enforcement of safety protocols. Remember, however, that you’re trying to protect yourself, your family, and everyone from being infected with the COVID-19 virus. Getting it is no small joke. You’ve heard the stories from people you know who have suffered from it. Some of them are still suffering six months since being infected. Stay put to your health protocols regardless of how your guests might feel about it. Those who do not agree with you can simply not attend.

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