How to Break in a New Mattress

Man checking a new mattress in the mattress store

Buying a new mattress can be very exciting, especially since you now have a brand new place to sleep and relax in. Most people do not know this, but you actually have to break in a new mattress before actually sleeping on it.

Not doing so might result in you getting disappointed in the mattress, as it might feel a lot stiffer than what you remember when you were at the store. Today, we will discuss how you can break in a new mattress to fully prepare it for proper usage.

Whether you are buying a mattress online here in Brisbane or anywhere else, it is essential to follow these tips.

Let it Breathe

This one’s especially important if the mattress came from a store that’s a couple of hours away from your actual home. Once you have the new bed delivered to your home, it is important to let it breathe for a few hours before actually dressing it up with a comforter and a bedsheet.

Letting the mattress breathe will allow the materials to get the proper oxygen flow that it needs, which will then allow you to have a good night’s sleep that you definitely deserve. You can then start putting on the comforter and bedsheet after a couple of hours.

Put a Little bit of Pressure

If you want your mattress to feel a lot softer, then go ahead and put a little bit of pressure on it. You can start by walking all over it (with a clean set of feet, of course) or even pressing your hands firmly on it. Doing so will help loosen up the materials, giving you a much softer mattress.

Make sure to be gentle enough when walking on your mattress though, as you definitely would not want to ruin it. Avoid jumping on it, as this can damage the spring or any other material in it.

Heat it Up

If you purchased a mattress that has memory foam on it, then you definitely would want to warm it up a little. Memory foam reacts to heat quite well, so go ahead and adjust your thermostat even just a few degrees higher.

You don’t have to do it for a long time, too, even just a few hours is enough to soften up the mattress. Additionally, the heat from your own body will help heat up the memory foam. Try laying on it for a couple of minutes to try and see if it will conform better to your body.

It Will Take Time

Couple buying a new mattress

Good things can take a little bit more time, and the same applies to your mattress. It can take a little bit more time for the mattress to fully conform to your body, no matter if it has memory or just regular foam.

Sleep on the bed each night (and even during the day), so you can soften it up.

Don’t rush it and avoid doing things that can ruin the mattress. Be patient and give your mattress some time to adjust and you’ll be surprised one day to find out that your mattress has fully conformed to your body!

If you aren’t happy with how things are panning out, then you can always contact your manufacturer and ask if you can have it replaced. You can also ask them for tips, as they surely have some useful tips to make your mattress conform to your body.

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