How to Have Fun at The Beach Responsibly

Couple out at the beach

Beaches are always a hit in almost any season, so popular resorts tend to be crowded and noisy. If you’re the life of the party, it’s easy to get glamoured by the euphoria at night, which may result in leftover trash that would pollute the pristine waters. Is this consequence really worth the fun?

But party-goer or not, everyone can leave unwelcome traces at the beach if they’re being irresponsible. Plastic bottles, food wrappers, etc. — polluting the ocean with these is no longer a recent issue, all the more reason we should be environmentally-conscious when going on a beach trip. That said, be sure to remember these tips on being a responsible tourist:

1. Choose a Reputable Tour Guide Company

DIY trips are nice and all, but your experience will be further enhanced with the services of a reputable tour guide company. Don’t Wait Adventures, for instance, offers an exceptional itinerary to Fiji. This includes high-quality accommodation with complimentary meals, fun water sports, guided snorkeling tours, and talk with a marine biologist. You will not only have a fun and relaxing experience but also an enlightening one because you’ll gain knowledge about the biodiversity of the ocean and how you can help preserve its coral reefs.

2. Know Which Places Deal With Over-Tourism

Believe it or not, there are popular destinations that may reject tourists. The Galapagos Islands, for example, has started implementing stricter rules on tourism, and you can only travel there with authorized guides. Over-tourism is an issue that affects the lives of locals, so practice responsibility by avoiding those places while the issue is still unresolved.

Couple relaxing by the beach

3. Leave No Traces Except Your Footprints

As previously mentioned, everyone at the beach can leave litter which will pollute the sea in turn. Be conscious of your actions and the things you bring to avoid contributing to the problem. If you need to bring water, use eco-friendlier alternatives to a plastic bottle. Also, avoid using plastic straws and other items that may end up as litter. Make yourself and your companions accountable for your own trash, but if you notice stray litter in your way, pick them up anyway. When you’re going on a boat ride, ensure that rubbish bins are available onboard, and bring your own if they aren’t. Even the smallest trash can leave the biggest impacts, so never leave any trace at the beach except your footprints.

4. Don’t Smoke

If you think a cigarette butt thrown to the sand won’t do any harm, think again; non-biodegradable cigarette butts may emit toxic chemicals and carcinogens into the water. In addition, you expose everyone around you to second-hand smoke. Simply put, smoking at the beach is just plain unacceptable.

5. Don’t Interact With Wildlife Unsupervised

It can be tempting to feed the seagulls, but disrupting their natural diet may make them sick. There’s also the possibility of them beginning to depend on tourists for food, so they’d overcrowd beaches and disturb people. It would also be highly responsible of you to avoid touching or stepping on corals. If you’re curious about them, ask questions to your snorkeling tour guide.

6. Follow Rules

When stepping onto new territory, one of the first things to do is be informed about is their local rules and regulations. If there’s a dress code, abide by it. If you’re told not to take photos, keep your cameras inside your bag. If you can’t memorize every single rule, having a local tour guide would help.

Remember that fun is still entirely possible even with responsibility as your priority. The consequences of being irresponsible and unruly can affect many lives, so by observing good conduct, you’re making the world a better and safer place.

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