How to Plan an Event in Dubai


Dubai is one of the most successful and well-known cities in the United Arab of Emirates, if not the whole Middle East. The city has become a beautiful tourist attraction, with some of the foreigners completely falling in love with it and deciding to move there instead.

With this being said, Dubai is home to a lot of important and huge events. A lot of companies, agencies, groups, and teams choose this city to be the host of their most important events, and for very good reason.

If you are one of these people, then make sure to read on, as today, we will discuss a few things that you should keep in mind when planning an important event and how to hire the right entertainment agency here in Dubai.


Plan in Advance

If you are coming from another city or country, then it would be best to plan months before the actual event. Dubai holds thousands of events each month, and airfares can easily sell out. If you want to get the best deals when it comes to the airfare and hotel rates, then make sure to book it way in advance so you can take advantage of the deals.

Also, most major hotels will most likely be booked out if other events are happening on the same date as yours, so make sure to book way in advance.

Choose the Best Season

Summer can be extremely hot in Dubai and if you and your attendees are not used to extreme heat, then you might want to avoid scheduling your event during this season. Summer in Dubai usually starts in June and ends in September, so you might want to schedule your event between mid-October to mid-April so you can keep everyone comfortable and away from the heat.


Know what you Want to do

There are hundreds of things that you can do in Dubai, and its tourism is really amazing. If you are holding a team building event or you simply want to experience what the city has to offer, then go ahead and plan for it in advance.

Make a list of the things that you’d want to do in Dubai and book for them in advance, especially if you are going during the peak season. You can also ask your team and attendees what they want to do and where they want to go so you can take everyone’s suggestions into consideration.


Respect the Local Culture

While Dubai is a pretty open city, you need to remember that this city is a part of the Muslim community. They have several prayer times a day, and it would be best if you can avoid loud and distracting activities during these times.

You also have to remember to dress appropriately, as most of the locals are pretty conservative. You do not necessarily have to wear the local attire, but it would be best if you can wear something that’s not too revealing. Lastly, make sure to consume alcohol only in designated places such as bars, restaurants, and hotels.


Dubai is a beautiful and amazing city to hold your event in, but you definitely have to make sure that you will do your research before planning an event here. Enjoy the city!


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