How to Prevent Toilet Clogs That Will Change Your Life

person unclogging the toilet

Clogged toilets are probably one of the worst things that anyone can experience as a homeowner. Not only are they messy, but they can also damage plumbing pipes as well as your precious floors. Thus, leading to even more expensive repairs.

Knowing the things that you can flush, when to plunge, and how to prevent any inappropriate objects from going down the drain are the keys to avoiding jammed toilets. Here are a couple of things that you need to do when to prevent your toilet from clogging to help you with it.

Know the things that aren’t flushable

There are times when people flush objects without knowing that it can cause their toilets to clog. A few of these items are wipes, facial tissues, floss, and even coffee grounds. Grease and medications can also block the drains. Meanwhile, there are also times when it’s hard to determine whether it’s okay to flush certain products or not because some companies produce flushable materials, and some do not.

So, to decide whether particular items can block the drains or not, you can try swishing them around in a bowl of water. Leave it for an hour, and you’ll see if it’ll disintegrate or not. While toilet paper breaks down when drenched in water, Home Guides says that other objects retain their shape. If the material doesn’t break down, then it means that it isn’t flushable.

toilet paper

Use bacteria

Any organic matter that doesn’t disintegrate can block drains. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent it from happening. One method that reputable plumbers would sometimes use is bacteria. Family Handyman says particular bacteria can break down organic matter to prevent it from blocking the drains. These are commonly available in either liquid or granular form.

What’s great about using bacterial drain cleaner is that it isn’t corrosive, which means that it will not harm the pipes. Also, the bacteria won’t affect the natural bacteria in the septic system, so all organic matter will continue to dissolve. All you need to do is follow the instructions to make it work. Leave it before everyone goes to bed so no one will accidentally flush it.

You can buy these bacterial drain cleaners at any hardware stores and home centres. A single package can last for a couple of months, depending on the number of drains you treat.

Don’t rinse cement down the drain

Keep in mind that setting-type joint compound hardens because of chemical reactions. It will even set underwater, which means that you’ll be dealing with rock-hard blockage after flushing it down. Another material notorious for blocking drains is sand. Since it’s heavy, it tends to settle in the pipes. Thus, making it hard to remove.

To prevent it from happening, never attempt to rinse or flush it down the drain. Instead, put the rinse water in an empty container until all the solid material has settled. You can then throw the water in the yard and dump the sludge in the garbage.

These are only some of the things that you need to remember to prevent your pipes from clogging. To avoid it, avoid using your toilet as your waste basket. Not only will it help the environment, but it’s also better for your drain pipes.

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