Hair Loss in Men: 5 Things You Need to Know

man checking his hair

Many men are worried about excessive hair fall, fearing that it could be a sign of something worse. However, shedding hair is a completely normal phenomenon. Many scientists ascribe hair shedding to exogen, also known as the last stage of the hair cycle.

The hair cycle lasts for three to five years for most people, and up to seven years for Asians. Hair grows for a few years, becomes dormant for a few weeks, then enters the last stage. Since each strand on our head is independent of each other, some follicles are bound to enter the exogen phase of the cycle every single day.

A few errant strands of hair on your brush is completely normal. But if you see more hair than usual on your pillow or around your shower drain, it could be a cause for concern. But you shouldn’t worry. The average person sheds around 100 strands of hair a day, and you should only start worrying if you’re losing hair in clumps or if your hair comes out with a simple tug.

Finding the right barber services will ensure that your hair always looks on point, but you also need to find ways to keep your hair healthy. Here are a few tips that will help you control hair shedding.

1. Start eating healthy

Your body expends a lot of energy growing your hair, but it knows that it’s not the most important function. That’s why you may experience shedding if you’re sick, stressed, or not getting enough nutrition. To ensure that the growing process doesn’t stop, you need to start eating healthy food, including seafood, lean proteins, and vegetables. A balanced diet should provide your body everything it needs to maintain hair production.

If you’re looking for something specific, go for foods that are packed with unsaturated fats such as eggs, nuts, and avocados. Flax and chia seeds are also jampacked with omega-3 acids, which can improve hair growth. Iron-rich spinach also improves blow flood to your scalp. Finally, look for foods that are rich in vitamin C, which aids in the production of collagen.

2. Keep your hair loose

Even if you’re experiencing normal shedding, wearing a tight hairstyle can exacerbate hair fall. It’s also smart to avoid applying heat and harsh chemicals to your hair and scalp, as these can weaken your follicles and lead to increased shedding.

One easy way to minimize hair shedding is to ensure that your hair is worn loose. If your hair is pulled back too tightly, you’re going to see more broken hairs around your hairline. Avoid wearing tight head coverings, keep your braids loose, avoid anything that pulls your hair. Changing your hairstyle once in a while also lessens the stress on your hair.

3. Get enough sleep

Since physical and emotional stress can lead to increased hair shedding, you need to give your body ample time to rest. Start by getting at least eight hours of sleep a night. Studies have shown that melatonin, a natural hormone that helps promote restful sleep, can help promote hair growth.

While topical applications of the hormone can be effective, your body naturally produces it if you get enough sleep. Regular sleep also helps prevent excessive oil in your hair and scalp. Sleep deprivation raises your stress levels, and your body produces more oil as a result.

man wearing shades

4. Seek treatment

A healthy lifestyle can go a long way in keeping your hair healthy, but sometimes, your body may need some outside help in the form of topical treatments. The market is full of shampoos, creams, and serums that can help treat scalp problems. Some topical treatments can be bought at a health and beauty store, while others require a prescription for a doctor, especially for the treatment of serious skin disorders.

5. Dab your hair dry

Your hair becomes more brittle when it’s wet, and improper towel-drying can lead to permanent hair damage. To keep the follicles intact, use a soft towel, and dab your hair until it’s damp. If you’re blow-drying your hair, the moisture will protect your hair from the heat. Otherwise, let your hair dry on its own.

A final word

A few changes to your lifestyle can transform your hair’s health within a few weeks. Getting enough sleep, following a balanced diet, and cutting out junk can make your hair stronger and healthier. Follow these tips to minimize the effects of hair shedding, and you’ll find, if not a full head of hair, at least a healthy head of hair even into your senior years.

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