Organizing a Press Conference Sans the Headache

people gatheres in a press conference

There are many ways to promote a brand and advocacy. You can always count on above-the-line advertising and digital, which can help you reach the mass market. But a good PR strategy should be part of your plans. You need those who will vouch for your product quality and goodwill. And mostly, these will be the press people. With this in mind, it only makes sense that you include press conferences in your plans to drum up some noise around your brand or campaign. However, not all brands and organizations are actually keen on having a press conference. If you are one of them, it is time that you trusted its integrity.

Organizing a press conference, however, can be challenging, especially if you have no suppliers yet. Regardless, you always have the time to learn the ropes. Below are some of the things to keep in mind when organizing such an event:

The Attendees

The people you invite to your press conference will be the same people who will spread the word about the message you wish to convey. With that, you need to select carefully. It will always be a wise decision to go for columnists who have a large number of following both online and offline. But you need to make sure that the attendees are actually in line with the theme and objectives of the event. If you are releasing a brand new design of sneakers and you are targeting Gen Z consumers, it pays that you invite digital influencers that your target audience is following.

The Venue

The venue should always be more than decent. It should be elegant but not too overwhelming. You may have an impression that it is somewhat a stretch, but remember, people will take pictures of the event, and these should look good in the photos. You should pick venues that can accommodate the number of your attendees. It should also be accessible. There are actually a lot of meeting venues in Seattle to look into.

Your Message

Do not be sidetracked by the logistical aspects of your event that you forget what you should always focus on: The message. The message that you want to convey at the press conference should be simple and easy to understand. You should create an outline and stick to it when writing your spiels or speeches. That way, you will have a cohesive and orderly message. Also, you have to anticipate the questions that the audience will ask you so that you can provide good answers.

Planning What Happens After the Press Conference

businesspeople chatting in a networking event

Real socializations and networking activities happen after the press conference. You may choose to host a party where you can talk to the attendees. For those who have failed to attend, you can give them printed copies of your speech or message. A copy of video clips will also be helpful.

Furthering your brand’s cause or reputation calls for a solid marketing and PR strategy. While ATL and BTL methods are a go-to solution, one should not forego the power of press relationships. Remember, columnists and press people are also influencers.

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