Strength Training: a Young Athlete’s Bible

child athlete

Any parent would love to see their children rise above the competition when it comes to athletics. Many people who grow up to become great sportsmen credit their success to their parents’ support or the people who were there for them as young athletes. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure your child reaches their full potential by being there for them in every way you can.

It’s your duty to try your best to get involved in your child’s journey to being a strong athlete. You can make sure you monitor their success even in school by coming with fundraising ideas for high school sports. This way, you’re directly involved in their school’s sports activities.

The first step to being a successful athlete begins with an effective strength-training program for your kid. Below are some vital issues you need to address to ensure your child’s successful strength-training program.

The Movement Skill is Key

Most athletic programs focus on the athlete’s particular sports skill. This should be considered as pure ignorance if the basic movements are not at play. It’s the very reason why many athletes today are barely athletic.

Teaching movement helps your kid to learn essential issues in sports. An athlete who has good movement skills will know how to stop when in motion or land when jumping, therefore avoiding injuries. A good strength-training program must work to build athletes with high-quality movement. The best strength-training programs perfect the kids stopping, cutting, balancing, sprinting, landing, jumping, falling, and tumbling.

The best way to perfect your kids’ movement quality is by allowing them time for free play. When they hurt themselves, they’ll learn from that mistake and avoid more severe injuries in the future.

Avoid Quick Fixes and Think Long Term

athletes playing

Some of the special programs parents enforce on their children usually pile up exercises for your kid to get fast results. There might be some visible change in the child, but most probably, it will be just for a short period. Fatigue eventually sets in and stagnates your kid’s development.

Proper strength training is an important part of your kid’s development as an athlete. You need to teach your child how they can undertake their training routines safely and effectively. A good strength-training program for your kid involves drills like lunges, deadlifts, squats, upper body pushes, and many more variations that will ensure steady development.

Such drills are great for growing your child’s strength as well as power. Nevertheless, these drills need to be done with maximum focus. If done the wrong way, they can lead to severe injuries. It’s therefore crucial that a child is coached well and takes time to learn doing them appropriately.

You’ll need to teach your child one step at a time. You can start with lightweight equipment as you move up the ladder. Increase the weights with age. This means it’s a gradual process that will see your child get long term results. As much as you teach your child hardworking for better results, you also need to let them rest to avoid accumulated fatigue.

Support Your Child for a Successful Strength Training

Supporting your child’s strength training doesn’t stop at paying for the program or ensuring they get there. If you are to have a successful athlete, you’ll need to check their diet too. Avoid refined foods; ensure they eat lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins for muscle growth, and organic carbohydrates. Take your time to prepare them a healthy meal rather than opting for fast food. Involve your kid in the preparation so that they learn how to prepare a healthy meal as well.

If you are serious about your child’s athletic future, following these guidelines is key to achieving success.

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