Strengthen Business Relationship: Gifting Clients Made Easy

handing gift wrapped in red box

Doing business is not just about making things, marketing them, and selling them. This is the mindset of many businesspeople who do not look far ahead into the future. Business is also about building relationships with the people and other businesses who help your enterprise. You might have taken these connections for granted, but when you came to think of it, you have realized that such relationships are important if you want to increase your business’ success. You have to show that you care. This is also an important thing, especially if you have just started a relationship with your new client.

One way of doing this is by giving gifts to your clients. But do not just give a gift. Doing so shows that you are impersonal and you do not care. You have to take into account a lot of factors, some of which will even help you avoid certain faux pas in the business setting. If you are still quite clueless about this side of your business, there are some things you may want to keep in mind. Here are some of them:

Check their rules

You may not realise it, but some companies actually have their own rules when it comes to giving and receiving gifts. For one, there are businesses that refuse to accept high-end gifts, such as upscale bags or cars. This is to avoid the impression that they are actually being part of some bureaucratic set-ups or red tapes. If you want to avoid committing mistakes at this point, it would be safe to check with your client’s HR department.

Be careful when giving novelty items

You may want to stand out from the roster of businesses your clients are working with. You want your business to be memorable. And one possible way of doing that may be through novelty or humorous gifts. But keep in mind that people have their own types of humour. What you may find funny may be actually offensive for the client. With that in mind, it pays that you know the humour of your client.

Play it safe

You can always play things safe. There are many types of gifts that your client will still find interesting regardless of simplicity. Just give it a twist. Instead of giving a mug, why not give them a mug that changes appearance depending on the temperature of the liquid. If you are planning to give wine, why not also have some chocolate gifts from the UK delivered?

Consider other ways of gifting

Fundraising Support Heart Icon Concept

There will always be alternative ways of gifting, and these are some of the things that you should look into with creativity and imagination. For one, you can give donations to the charity where your client is a patron. You can treat them to a holiday, too!

Giving gifts to clients is one way of strengthening your relationship with them. It is also one means to show that you actually care for them. It is a measure you may want to carry out, especially if your client is new. But keep in mind that there are certain faux pas and mistakes that you need to avoid, too.

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