Dear Dad, You Deserve Some Self-care, Too

happy family

Father’s Day is coming up, and you are probably at a point where you are wondering how to celebrate yet another of these events. With all these years spent celebrating with your kids, how else do you respond to, “Dad, what do you want to do for Father’s Day?”

If you are among the many dads in the world who are running out of ideas, here is a proposal: why not turn the day into your very own self-care day? Self-care applies to everyone, including all the hard-working fathers out there!

Five Father’s Day Self-care Activities for You and the Kids

Every dad prefers a different set of activities. But here are a few that are productive and fun and can definitely be enjoyed with your kids!

1. Do some pool maintenance together

Let’s face it. Some dads just really love tinkering and getting down and dirty to repair stuff at home, even during their spare time! To celebrate Father’s Day, why not involve your kids in this activity?

Let your children join you in doing one or a few of your favorite maintenance activities and teach them a thing or two about it. This helps them get to know you better, too, and is a great way to bond while getting chores done.

You can have them help you remove leaves and other debris from your swimming pool, for instance. They can also help out with checking and maintaining pool balance using your testing kits and natural pool acid to maintain pH balance to prepare for the next time you take a dip.

If your pool is still in good condition, you can even just swim together and play some games. Younger kids will definitely enjoy this activity more, too!

2. Exercise with the kids

Self-care is not all about taking a break. It also involves doing activities for your physical fitness. If you are the kind of dad who just loves to get active, do some sports or workouts with your family for the day.

Designate Father’s Day as a “Get Fit with Dad” day and even dress up in matching outfits for an even more celebratory mood. You can do some challenges, too, to make the fitness day more memorable for everyone taking part.

man getting a massage

3. Get a massage

All the manual labor and games with your kids can take a toll on you. Instead of going all out on physical activity on the special day, why not take the day off and soothe your sore muscles with a good full-body massage?

You can visit a massage parlor with your spouse, your kids, or bring everyone along for a spa day, when you all just take time to relax. Additionally, you can also just opt to have food delivered or take out your favorite restaurant food for that day to minimize the chores everyone has to do on Father’s Day.

4. Have a family movie night

Wind down after a long day of fun by just cuddling up on the couch with your family and enjoying your favorite movie together. It’s Father’s Day, so they can’t say no to your movie choices! Self-care also means letting yourself enjoy what you love, which in your case can simply be a good movie and your family.

If you want to watch Die Hard for the 50th time, everyone can sit with you to just have fun. But you can also opt to watch a family movie instead, such as the latest Disney movie or some of your family’s old favorites.

You can work together to set the atmosphere, too, by arranging pillows and blankets in your living room and even preparing some microwaveable popcorn and soda for a late-night snack for all.

5. Set up a barbecue in the backyard

How about making use of the special day to brush up on your cooking skills? If your busyness with work and responsibilities at home have kept you from doing other things, take the day off on Father’s Day to have a barbecue with your family.

Have your children help set up a picnic in your backyard and do the decorations. Then you can get to work by cooking up a storm in your outdoor grill for a great afternoon “out” with your family. Another good thing about celebrating outdoors is that you have more space to play some games, too.

Whatever you decide to do on Father’s Day, just remember that self-care takes many different forms. Self-care could mean simply spending time with family, or taking a spa day. The sky’s the limit.

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