Upgrading Your Travel Gear When Flying with the Family

travel with family

Flying with babies and toddlers is not everyone’s definition of a walk in the park. Compared to your business-related travel, you’d only take one suitcase with you, and you’re good to go. But when it comes to family travel, it’s always a different case. No matter how exciting it may seem, traveling when you are a dad requires tons of stuff, from pillows, travel toys and entertainment items, baby seats, and travel systems. Many of these items might be optional, but they make life easier when you are on the road with your tot. No matter how right or wrong you go, traveling with toddlers would always conjure up images of screaming kids and their harassed, frustrated parents.

You’ll wonder how some parents can handle it but be ready for spills, meltdowns, and disapproving glances from strangers. But don’t worry, with a bit of planning and the right items on your travel armaments, you’ll be good to go. Here are some baby travel gears that you might want to consider now that family travels are your new normal way of going around.

Ergonomic Baby Carrier

Baby carriers have a lot of benefits for both parents and babies. Basically, it helps you move around better and allows you to use your two hands while your tot sits comfortably close to you. These products come in various designs and colors, and those in neutral shades can be used by both mother and father. Baby carriers can also be used and adjusted according to your baby’s age — you can use them from birth onwards. Choose a product that features an adjustable seat and leg opening for a curved C-spine, proper hip support, and frog-leg seating. Having adjustable straps will make it easier for parents with different sizes and body types to remain comfortable while carrying their child.

Rideable Suitcase

Kids love adventure, and they will surely love riding on rideable suitcases made for kiddie travelers! You can find them in various designs like pets, mythical creatures, and other items that interest kids. It fits on planes and can accommodate items your child needs to bring. What’s even more amazing is that some of these suitcases can be folded out into a toddler bed or a seat. It takes off the burden of parents carrying their child while it rests or waits out for the next flight.

Volume-limiting Noise-canceling Headphones

Headphones can be an essential travel item for traveling toddlers. Choose a headphone made for their age, and it should have an 85-decibel limit to protect the eardrums. Noise-canceling headphones can also help out children who have sensitivity to sounds, especially when you’re at the airport. Some rechargeable headphones can give you as much as 22 hours of playtime sounds and come with Bluetooth features so you can connect them to any device.

Next time you make a list of essential items for traveling with your kids, check out the latest baby gear and essentials reviews for the best foldable and lightweight headphones that you can take with you on your travels.

A Reliable Baby Travel System

kid sitting on grass with a stuff toy

One of the biggest baby purchases you and your partner make when your little one arrives is the “perfect baby travel system.” There are thousands of products around. You often end up arguing and agonizing over the most utilized everyday and travel gear that you’d use. Some parents even have multiple strollers because they can’t find one that fits the need from birth to toddler years. The best one for you will depend on the features that you really want. Do you want a stroller that is convenient to carry, easy to fold and unfold? There are strollers specifically designed for frequent flyers, go for compact type, lightweight and convenient. Ideally, your travel stroller should come with a car seat attachment and a car seat so that you can use it from the infant stage up to the toddler years.

Vacations and travels with the whole family give you a chance to make wonderful memories with your loved ones. Although it is filled with excitement, every parent dreads the upcoming journey with the little ones. It will not always be like that. With careful planning and preparation, you and your partner can become hustlers at travel with kids. Ideally, arrive at the airport early, you might wait a while for your flight, but you will not be looking all harried and harassed.  Then, pack extra snacks and selected toys to keep them occupied and prevent pre-boarding tantrums.

You may utilize your rideable suitcases to entertain them while waiting for boarding. Make use of noise-canceling headphones during takeoff so that they won’t feel the pop in their ears. When traveling with kids, ditch the guilt about screen time when there is nothing else to keep them occupied. These travel gears might be optional, but many parents consider them as life-savers during their family travels with babies and kids.

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